Cannas and other plants for sale.

Phytolacca polyandra

Phytolacca polyandra


Large fully hardy herbaceous perennial

currently unavailable

Very impressive, easy to grow and fast establishing. The best specimens here 1.8x1.8 metres, 6x6 feet. Typically 1-1.8m. Spring growth initally tinted bronze in the cooler weather. In late spring/early summer large long lasting upright spires of pink flowers turn to shiny black berries in late summer. Also the plant stems take on pink hues. Grows in most soil types, but water logged unknown, will grow smaller in poor soil. Good in sun or light shade. Likely to become a significant plant in the 2nd year. 

Note. Toxic to mammals the berries are edible to birds which spread the seeds. 

 3 litre pot.

Phytolacca polyandra